Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some poems I wrote, posted, took down, and am now putting back up...don't ask.

I attempted to fill my days
With friends and food
And light and work
But I lingered in my mind.

I fought to forget
Willed myself positive
Fresh, anew, focused
And yet languid time
Dragged and pulled me down.

While you flashed
With happiness and glee
I stayed quiet
Alone, but not so lonely.

The end of this
Imposed solitude
Is coming,
And I yearn for
The wave of warmth
Your smile will bring.

If the mere thought
of you brings me joy
God bless me
With your return.
And I will be
Once again alive.

The Well

I came to you
For sustenance
Gazed into your depths
Dark waters reflected me.

I poured my pain
Desires, despairs
Into the heart
Waiting for you
To overflow, to reject
what I gave.

But the well
So deep, endless
Held its will
Shared its bounty
Filled me
With spirit and life.

I did not want
To greedily drink
This water of life
Yet I could not
walk away empty.

It is painful
To not know
Its Source
I am not a part
of that deep, dark world.

Still I gratefully
Partook, praying
Some day the well
Would find me full.

Mary K. 4/18/07 (edited 5/13/07)


What binds us together
I dare not know
Your light found me
As I entered a phase of sorrow.

You taught me hope
When all I could think
Was loss, darkness,
And my own selfish pain.

A divine gift
You do not question
You just thank God
And continue down
A better path.

We look for our purpose
Mine, I don't know yet
But I know you were
Part of me finding it.

Why did He put me
In your path?
That is for you to find
I only hope you
Don't turn back or regret.

You have taught me
With your quiet strength
Your goodness,
To create, to intend,
To be grateful.

What kind of Universe
Would this be
If I could not give
you back
A part of me.

Just these words,
Let them wash
Over your soul,
Remind you that
Maybe we don't have to know.

Mary K. 5/5/07 (edited from the original)