Monday, December 8, 2008


We come together
To share one mind
To find one heart
To be one in time.

Heal me with your
Songs of faithful
Understanding and hope
Find me in my lost world.

I question too much
Asking when I should know
You tell me
And I need to hear.

I pray to feel
Complete knowing
Like you do
And wrap myself in our fate.

Take me in time
Show me our many
lives we have lived
Let me see it all.

A bird is singing
In the halls of grace
And the song is familiar
In its song I remember your face.
I feel as before we are
In one place.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Truest Intention

Fear has locked
Your spirit of life
Blind and haunted
You wander earth with eyes of darkness.

If eyes are windows
Of the soul,
Yours appear to be
Covered from the outside
Your soul trapped behind false truths.

Open your eyes
Without fear
Finding a vision
Of your own creation
Put there by God's own and your intention.

Sweet knowledge
Not the kind you find
In books or in the mouths of priests
But from looking within
To the very place you feared to look before.

Truest intention maybe more frightening
Than no intention at all
Because you see what you truly want
Creating the truth reveals
Our balance between darkness and light.

I know your fear,
I have been there,
I reside in my own truth now
And though at times I cower
The knowledge of truth is more powerful.

The creations of our truest heart
Can be abominations of the worst sort
Or they may be the most beautiful feelings
But what we cannot be afraid of
Is the act of creation, the ultimate gift of God.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Winds of Eden

Two lost children of Eve,
Wandering in a world
Overwhelmed without reprieve,
Forgetting what it feels like
To love, to care, to receive.

Stunned and wild-eyed
Gob smacked, does the world lie
Not a chance you see
They crashed into each
And desperate together they fly.

On the winds of Eden
Their love destined to soar.
They will find a truth God-given
To them forever more.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Mirror

God held a mirror
To my soul
And when I looked
I saw you there.

Your endless pools
Forest green deep
Reflect my cooler
Flirty green seas.

All the good of me
Bounced back in your heart
All the bad of you
Echoed deep within mine.

But the mirror shattered
When you looked away
Lies and life ended
The fair reflection of our love.

Why did He let me see
Let me love and hurt and feel
The one soul on earth
So like me.

My Center

Είσαι το κέντρο της ψυχής μου
Προκαλείς πυρκαγιά στην καρδιά μου
με ένα σου βλέμμα.

Τι να κάνω;
Είμαι έρμαιο στα χέρια σου
όταν αντικρίζω τη γνώριμη ψυχή σου.

Θέλω να ξοδέψω εκατομύρια ζωές
για να μπορέσω να δω μέσα σου
τις απαντήσεις.

Ο Θεός μου χάρισε εσένα
Και Τον ευχαριστώ
που βρήκε την δική μου αλήθεια
και μου την πρόσφερε πάλι
μέσα στα μάτια σου.

You are the center
Of my soul
You make my heart
Catch on fire
With one look.

What can I do?
I am helpless
In the face of your
Knowing soul.

I want to spend
A million lifetimes
Looking inside you
For the answers.

God gave me you,
And I thank Him
For finding my truth
And giving it back to me
In your eyes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lovers Lost

We are twin souls,
Never meeting
Or seeing our fates together,
Living in our real life roles.

What questions of faith
Can we ask
When lovers are lost
Walking on the same path.

Bittersweet, pleasure pain,
The joy and despair
Of having you come
And leave again.

A deeper world
Cannot be known
Than the lovers who roam
Without a home.